How to Handle a Car Accident That Is Not Your Fault

The path forward after being injured by another driver’s negligence is difficult, but knowing what steps to take can help. If this is the situation you find yourself in, don’t wait to consult with an experienced Atlanta car accident attorney.

First Things First

While the circumstances of the car accident that leaves you injured will be specific to the situation, the basic first steps you should take include (as applicable):

  • Pull off the road and as far out of the path of traffic as you can
  • Call 911
  • Render aid if someone at the scene needs it and you are able
  • Seek the medical attention you need as soon after the accident as you can (early diagnosis is closely associated with improved prognosis)
  • Consult with a skilled car accident attorney as soon as you are able
  • Closely follow your doctor’s instructions and recommendations
  • Refrain from sharing your thought about the accident at the scene and on social media

Taking these important steps can help protect both your health and your car accident claim.

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No upfront costs to you or your family. We recover maximum compensation for our clients.

Don’t Delay Reaching Out to an Experienced Car Accident Attorney

The knowledgeable Atlanta car accident attorneys at Ahmad Injury Law take great pride in helping clients like you obtain just compensation that covers their full array of physical, financial, and emotional damages. Your claim is important to your future, so please don’t wait to contact or call us at 404-689-1262 for more information today.

Car Accident FAQ

What are the most common causes of car accidents?

Car accidents are often caused by driver negligence, and the forms of negligence that are most closely associated with dangerous car accidents include impairment and excess speed.

How can I protect my claim?

The single best way to help protect your car accident claim is by working closely with an experienced car accident attorney from the outset.

Am I required to provide the insurance representative?

Although you can expect to hear from the at-fault driver’s insurance company after an accident, you are not required to provide them with a statement, and it is generally in your best interest not to do so.