How to Assess the First Settlement Offer for a Car Accident Claim

If you have been injured by another driver’s negligence, the path forward is likely to be rocky. Once the insurance company makes a settlement offer, you’ll need to assess it carefully, and one of the surest ways to accomplish this is with an experienced Atlanta car accident attorney on your side.

Your Settlement Offer

It is important to recognize that once you sign off on a settlement offer, that is the end of the matter, and if your damages end up exceeding the amount you settled upon, it will leave you with financial losses. To help ensure that the settlement offer is adequate to your damages, your dedicated car accident attorney will assess the full extent of your losses in each of the following categories:

  • Property damage to your car
  • Your medical costs, which can be extensive and may be ongoing
  • Your lost earnings, which can include lost earning potential
  • Your pain and suffering

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No upfront costs to you or your family. We recover maximum compensation for our clients.

An Experienced Atlanta Car Accident Attorney Is on Your Side

The focused Atlanta car accident attorneys at Ahmad Injury Law have a wealth of experience guiding claims like yours toward optimal outcomes. We’re on your side and here to offer our help, so please don’t delay contacting or calling us at 404-689-1262 for more information today.

Car Accident FAQ

What if the settlement offer is too low?

If the first settlement offer is too low to cover your complete damages, your dedicated car accident attorney will continue skillfully negotiating for fair terms, and if the insurance company refuses to negotiate in good faith, your attorney will likely advise you to move forward with a lawsuit.

Will the settlement cover my pain and suffering?

Car accidents are terrifying, violent events that can lead to considerable pain and suffering, which should be accurately reflected in your car settlement claim. Settling for compensation that fails to address this category of damage can leave you at a distinct disadvantage.

Do I really need an attorney?

It is always a good idea to consult with a trusted car accident attorney before accepting a settlement offer.