How Long Does It Take to Settle a Car Accident Claim

How Long Does It Take to Settle a Car Accident Claim?

If someone else’s negligence leaves you injured in a car accident, obtaining the compensation to which you are entitled in a timely manner is critical to your ability to reach your fullest recovery. While every car accident claim follows its own path – at its own pace – having a skilled Atlanta car accident attorney … Continue reading

Car Accident Injuries What Happens to a Body in a Car Crash

Car Accident Injuries: What Happens to a Body in a Car Crash?

The impact of a car accident can seriously injure a driver and their passengers. The type of injuries depends on the kind of crash. Collisions can affect the body differently. Here are some common things that could happen to the body in a car crash. Whiplash Whiplash is one of the most common injuries in … Continue reading

Reckless Driving Georgia Here’s What You Need to Know

Reckless Driving in Georgia: Here’s What You Need to Know

Unfortunately, Atlanta drivers act aggressively behind the wheel every day. Atlanta is known for its aggressive drivers who think that they can get a leg up on city traffic. There is a fine line between being rude and pushy behind the wheel and breaking the law. In Georgia, there are penalties for both aggressive and … Continue reading

How You Should Handle Admitting Fault in A Car Accident

How You Should Handle Admitting Fault in A Car Accident

We advise never to admit fault when involved in a car accident. There is no possible upside that could come from admitting fault. Let the claims process play out. The most important thing is never to say anything that could be used against you in the future. You never know exactly if you were at … Continue reading

What Is the Percentage of Car Accidents That Happen in Atlanta

What Is the Percentage of Car Accidents That Happen in Atlanta

Atlanta’s streets are notoriously crowded, as the traffic is among the worst in the country. Every day, hundreds of thousands of drivers clog city streets and roads like I-285, I-85, and I-75. Atlanta is known for its bad drivers who are overly aggressive. In fact, aggressive driving accidents in Atlanta have tripled in the last … Continue reading

Car Accident Witness 3 Important Questions You Should Always Ask

Car Accident Witness: 3 Important Questions You Should Always Ask

When you are speaking to a car accident witness, you want to get them talking about exactly what they saw. There is a way to get information from them that can benefit your case. The key is to get them talking freely about the accident. What Did You See? Note that this question is not … Continue reading
